My First Saturday
Then I put Lux Graphics to bed. Closed the door, as it were. Very difficult to do.
Then I had a Saturday, but I had to spend it flying home from Orlando.
Then I had another week.
NOW I get to have a total SATURDAY! Just like you do, most likely. I left my work at work. I have a whole day to do what I want (within budget of course. But the budget is good since I sold my inventory of bodies and my inventory of fancy laquer paints last week). What do I want?
Well, I slept in. That is important, since I get up at 5:30 all week. It is also an unexpected bonus of having the afternoon church session this year, I get to sleep in two days a week instead of just one.
I want to work with Max on our Lip Sync routine, due next Saturday. I'm always wishing our church did stuff like this, and now they are, and it looks like I'm one of only a few who are down with it :(. But goldarnit we'll get up there and shake our tailfeathers in the name of family entertainment. Max and I are planning the very same Blues Brothers routine I so fondly remember doing with my buddy in high school. I'm worried about the dance steps, though. Max is good hearted, smart and disarmingly sincere & un-angsty -- but I don't think he's Nando on The Dancefloor yet. He's only in the 6th grade. Speaking of which, I'm on a Rockabilly/Swing music kick and would love to teach the kids a swing dance class in Extended Day next year. But we think there won't be enough boys for it :(. Where was I? Lip sync? Yes. I bought shades, black ties and cheap glue-on sideburns last week. A few days later I bought us real Blues Brothers hats. They cost more than the costume-quality ones, but I hope we'll get some use out of them and to be honest I don't think I could squeeze a costume hat over my gargantual noggin even for the duration of one song. Note to self, go shopping for coats & black pants today after. . .
I want to go see "Horton Hears a Who" with my boys. So we're gonna do that as soon as AK gets back from Lowes with Gramma. They are buying lumber for the raised gardens we'll have at "Gramma's Gardens" this year. OH the corn I will eat this Summer! Big BBQ. You're all invited.
I want to post a blog including this coolio photo I found on Gramma's camera from Christmas, but I accidentally sent it to AK with her Smithsonian photos so SHE posted it first. Tough. Here 'tis. . .

THEY ARE SO NOT MY LITTLE BABIES ANYMORE! *sniff* Ben has a VERY Max'ish look on his face here. And Milo looks healthier than he has in weeks. Between the Big Yuck of '08 that's been going around, a 2-day stomach flu, and general chapping from the cold/dry air? Milo has been Doctor Crustyface for most of my recent memory. This reminds me he IS under there somewhere.
I am going to go tickle their bellies and pretend they are still small enough to carry places. And hope I don't get kicked unconscious. It's a sad milestone when tickling your littles becomes as dangerous as it is intoxicatingly fun.
Savor those Saturdays!
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