Nasal Irrigation
But really. I get very very bad allergies in both the Fall and the Spring, I'm allergic to both trees and grasses. And cats. And oxygen. But a couple of years ago I flushed out the ole shnozz for about 4 night straight using a waterpik attachment and AK's patented Cavity Cleanse recipe. And I haven't suffered from allergies much since at all. If I ever do, just a couple of hose jobs and I'm back in action.
So after the 4,877,412th time I asked Max at dinner to either chew with his mouth closed or slow down & breathe between bites -- AK brewed up a new batch of Nose Hose Chablis for Max. She showed him her way of irrigating, I showed him mine. He's done it for 2 or 3 days now, and while the jury is out on whether it'll cure his terminal cloggage . . . he hasn't snored for the last 2 nights.
It's weird, no doubt. But it works. And it's not as weird as my old hippie Philosophy professor who told us how he learned to do it by snorting water up his nose and spitting it out his mouth. No, I believe we are downright conservative in our irrigation methods! You set the waterpik on low power and aim straight back (if you aim UP you'll get a total underwater-somersault-without-holding-your-nose headache). And I don't know what sort of frogs toes or eyes-of-newt goes into the witches brew but I think that helps too.
Lux: Two more bodies to go, then it's just paint the remaining inventory for Ebay at my leisure. Homestretch goooood. AK is strapping in for a month of hairy, nasty, pimple-ridden work deadlines so I'll be needed everywhere in the house OTHER than the paintshop.
I totally irrigate my noses every time I get sick. It helps to get over the ick faster. I had a dr friend tell me when I had a sinus infection that it is as effective as taking antibiotics. I'll have to ask AK for the recipe. I get allergies too. Glad things are working out at you job and LUX is almost done. Cheers.
I need to get AK's recipe for Nose Hose Chablis! Zorak has a "severely deviated septum", for which he will require surgery, but he insists it can wait til '09 (ACK!) In the meantime, the man is getting a neti pot for his birthday this spring. :-) I hate to see him miserable.
Glad to hear poor Max is feeling a little better. I'll bet dinner's a bit more pleasant, too. ;-)
OK, I just had to google "Neti Pot" and it looks like the same concept. Except it looks (you must see the YouTube videos, especially the guy who Neti-Pots coffee and booze. . . ) much neater in the demo videos. When we do it, well, what with the waterpik, and the body contortions from water being where some might argue it ought not. . . we take up the whole room.
You get allergies in Spring you say - does that mean that it's currently Spring for you?
::sigh:: I guess I can't complain too much, as it's finally not -45 ever day... ;)
It is DEFINITELY not spring here in Central PA at 1,000 ft above sea level.
But Max is chronically congested--it's just that he's congested AND his eyes and face are so itchy he wants to rub them off--in the spring.
We haven't been able to figure out why he's chronically congested except that, well, he is. The nasal irrigation has been helping him breathe better, and I swear he's sleeping better at night.
Dy: boil a quart of water. Add 1 tsp salt, 1 tsp baking soda, mix. Let cool to body temp. If you use a neti pot, you only need about 1/4 of that in a session. We use a special nasal irrigator attachment on a water pik--rumored to be somewhat more effective in fighting infections or cleaning out dried mucus because the pulsating action gets all the corners if you will ;)
*shudder at the visual that imparts* You'd think I wouldn't be so squeamish at this point in life... lol. But I've also learned to live by the philosophy, "Hey, whatever works!"
Thanks so much for the recipe! And the info. Much obliged. :-)
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