My Wife Is Funny.
. . .and say "hey look. Candy. Looks like rocks". Alaska says "Yeah. I thought they were rocks". Then (and she tells me this is a symptom of mania, and I should be concerned about it, her habit of constantly reciting song lyrics, but mostly it just annoys me. . . .) she says "Don't be fooled by the rocks that I got".
:) And then I loved her a little more for being as quietly clever as she is cute.
And then I told her joke to the checkout girl.
And then the checkout girl giggled and no doubt wondered to herself if the weird middle-aged people were up past their bedtimes or forgot their meds or were just suffering from that heinous, incurable disease called AGE.
Mostly today I painted. Still I only got two bodies done. Two of the four that are due. Four of the umptynine shizzlemillion that are on the Lux Graphics website queue. Aside: I don't know anyone who casually -- let alone correctly -- uses the word queue in conversation. I know it's an English thing. Mostly I just like to type it. Queue. I sound it out "KYOO-YOO" in my mind while typing. It's like the street I have to turn on to get to work: Presque Isle Street. It's pronounced PRESK ILE by the natives. But there were too many letters in it, and they're squished together on the sign so it not only looks like one word "PRESQUEISLE" but it looks like it should be prnounced PREE SQUEEZLE. So I use every imaginable opportunity to say PREESQUEEZLE. Try it! PREESQUEEZLE. It's the squeezle right before the primary squeezle.
YES today I painted. AK and Max went to the ski place so Max could ski on his skis and use the 1.3 billion dollar ski pass AK bought him for the Winter. Ben played Pokemon Colloseum, because he's big enough to play a Max game like that. . .
Milo mostly read. That there is a collection of Far Side cartoons. Does that count as reading?
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