The Best Two Days
It's raining heavily. We've had several good layers of snow this past week, and now it's all melting and freezing to create driving/walking danger and a slightly less picturesque Pennsylvania outside our windows. But I am so glad it's raining. I love the weather. Which, if I think for a moment like I did living in California, sounds absurd. It's as though I said "I love socks" or "I love spice racks". The weather used to be something that simply was, and never deserved comment aside from an occasional rainy inconvenience. But here (Midwest too) it's a very big part of what you do on any given day and how you go about doing it. It's a relative, visiting often, that we have in common with everyone else who lives here. So we've always got something to talk about! She does dramatic things to us. She makes all sorts of noises, like the din right now coming from our metal window eaves or the melting ice crackles of this morning. Most importantly, she provides us with seasons that mark the passing of time. Occasions and birthdays and holidays and whole years can just blend into one another when you don't have the demarcation of seasons. Temperatures change, trees and colors and wildlife change (the bear family I think is getting desperate, we found a mysteriously-colored and frighteningly large poo in our driveway yesterday), and from day to day there can never be any doubt that time is passing. Clocks are ticking. Boys are growing. Moments need seizing! Maybe that's why I haven't blogged in awhile :)
Operation Straight Job continues as does Lux Graphics. Our (very) local newspaper did a series of articles last week about how tight things are getting here for the middle class. Duh. One of the articles was particularly relevant to O.S.J.The article detailed how -- while unemployment and job growth here are better than most places -- all the growth has been in retail and service jobs. If you're an educated, experienced, handsome bald man then the pickins are slim. Duh. Needless to say there haven't even been many resume's sent out lately. Though I did have a nice interview last week with a company in Philipsburg, and have my fingers crossed there. I liked the people and the company, and even if they didn't enjoy it as much as I did they got an accurate and healthy dose of Chris so they can make an educated decision about whether or not I fit in there.
Photography progresses, and I hope to set up some kind of studio in Gramma's big dry basement with it's high ceilings. I research and learn more every day in my spare moments, but doing what I am starting to think I want to learn how to do. . . . takes money. See previous paragraph.
Yesterday was my berfday, I'm a bouncing baby 38-year-old now. I was also baptised yesterday, so it's been a joyous weekend. We had friends visiting for the big occasion all the way from Western PA, Ohio and Vermont. It was such a peaceful wonderful time with all the visiting and the eating and the hanging out (and the eating). There was a healthy haze of estrogen floating around this weekend, as adorable little girl after adorable little girl seduced me. Aged from just months to 5 years, they made me so want the baby girl we never had. And hopefully their respective parents were inspired to be just a little more grateful via my envy. If nothing else they were grateful that it was a just a weekend visit. Because my freak mutant bongo-headed monster boys might have playfully broken them (the girls) as easily as Emily could have eaten our othervisitor's "Pocket Yorkie" on Saturday! Emily wouldn't have really hurt that little dog. But in retrospect I'm glad AK gave Emily one of her (AK's) anti-anxiety pills because the sub-Yorkie did seem to be in eminent danger of cardiac arrest should Emily so much as sniff her. Life is VERY frightening when you are that small.
And regarding the little girls again: AK is standing by with adoption papers, filled out and ready to sign, the very second I decide I'm not kidding about wanting a daughter.
For fun:
yay for your baptism! i'm glad you were surrounded by family and friends (and food ;) ).
Welcome to the family of the baptised. :D
1.) Glad you finally blogged again. As much as I like your SouthPark-esque graphics, I like your words more.
2.) So happy about your baptism. Alaska's blog about it gave me chill bumps. I'm so excited for you! Yay Baptism! Yay Chris!
3.) Thanks for my "Flight of the Conchords" -- nice little giggle for the night. They are so funny!
4.) We'll pray for you about adding a daughter to your family. She'd be a very lucky little girl if you decided to move forward.
5.) Just sending some hugs from the non-weathered place we call home. (Two nights ago there were amazing winds -- you would have liked it.)
Take Care,
Rosemarie Ann (
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