Kindergarten Shoes
Here are the big boys going to school. . .

That's Milo on top, I caught him in a rare mouth-closed-not-lecturing-someone moment. Ben is the one with the Flock of Seagulls hairdo.
And otherwise, I just can't tell you what a charming and funny day yesterday was. No. Really. I can't tell you. It was one of those days where AK and I say ALL DAY "oh my god I so have to blog this". But it was also my first day of teaching Readers Theater to 5th/6th graders, my second day as a Real Serious Knows-What-He's-Doing Boy Scout Leader Man, and by bed time I'd wrestled with the days photos too much to have any blogging energy left. So this is what you get :/.
More later? Share your first-day-of-school funnies!
Gramma Gaye Update: Gramma is getting more and more settled every day. Most rooms have the proper furniture in them, and most of it is in the place it will live for awhile. Many mountainous mounds of (thinking, thinking of a word for "boxes" that starts with "m". . . . no) boxes. She is very concerned that her house is just way too small. But we reassure her that the stuff in the boxes will all GO places and that will make the box spaces empty open spaces. Oh, and having spent her whole life in California she keeps forgetting that she has a BASEMENT the size of her entire house. Dry, clean ginormous storage space for anything she doesn't want up in her living space :). Every day things get a little more normal-feeling I imagine, though we give the girl a full year before this starts to feel like home. Every day her receipts are reminding her of what a good idea it was to move here, as she spends noticeably less on just about everything she has to buy. $30 tanks of gas, $50 grocery trips, etc. . . .I can't wait for the moving expenses to cease, so she can see how much she saves on an average month!
Have you seen the new MasterCard commercial, with the boys with the backpacks on the first day of school? My very first thought when I saw it was, "Those would be Chris's kids!" Priceless!
Found it online!
Awesome! Thank you so much for that little gem. I can't wait to show Ben, Milo and Max when they get home!
Kylie never missed a beat with her first day, or even first weeks, of K-School. It's an excellent time Brother, enjoy it.
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