The Pennsylvanian Lawn Koala
A friend of mine is designing for me the rest of my totem tattoo, so it includes the rest of the animals in my totem. I wonder lately if I shouldn't include the groundhog, perennial symbol of the State of Pennsylvania. As I see them doing their groundhoggy things in the open fields across the road from the golf course (where I'm sure they've been evicted from), I feel a certain affinity with them. Not the hundreds of run-over dead ones, just the live ones, which AK describes as peaceful ground-koalas. I couldn't find a photo representative of our State College variety. They look like this one, but darker and more well-fed.
It is a wonderful 4th of July today. Orders are rolling in, the fridge is stocked, I have an auction closing for a record amount this evening and I've managed to paint another one for Ebay just in time to list when this one closes. AK has steady-but-not-panic-inspiring amounts of work. Max is in CA with grandparents, probably at an A's game followed by stunning fireworks. Which is great for him, but we miss him after only a couple of days. AK finished todays work in time to take us to the store for some sparklers & the makings of homemade wings & cobbler. Which I am VERY excited about right now. . . .
AK The Accuweather Addict assures me that this will be a very wet, thundery and lightningy 4th of July evening. So we have skipped the usual Penn State fireworks display, even the church potluck we thought about attending. I feel the 5-year-olds in the house will be as excited by their very own sparklers as they would have been by anything that required expensive parking, hiking with lawnchairs or buying lots of overpriced food from vendors.
We had a rockin visit with Cousin A and his family in Philly, where Ben and Milo got to hang out with 15-year old identical twin boys! Fine food and great company, accompanied by Daddy's near constant state of panic that his own little Smilo and Bazoobidge might some day also become pubescent teens. I'm all about the denial right now. Denial good. Denial friend.
Happy 4th to you and yours!

Pupp Daddy Dog spends his days working as an entrepeneur and as a Dad. He is passionately in love with/obsessively neurotic about his family. Imagine Kicking Bird mixed with Albert Brooks. Oh, and throw in some Notorious B.I.G.

Alaska is the frustrated but caring cat at the center of our canine universe. All of us alternately worship, rely on and ceaselessly whine to her. Her need to control everything is confounded by the fact that she really pretty much does control everything, so in her few free moments, she knits and searches desperately for things to fuss about.

Max is smart and handsome, with a big heart. He is not only growing like a weed, but he has the attention span and concentration abilities of a weed. Despite my best efforts, AK keeps feeding him and he keeps growing. Our plan is to keep him so busy with school, sports & the arts that he won't notice he's a teenager and is supposed to hate us. T minus 2.5 years to teen launch, so far so good.

Ben and Milo are phenomenal little creatures who remind us minute-by-minute not only how little control we have in this world, but why we should cease our controlling efforts and just laugh at all of God's jokes. Lately, Milo likes to dance and is good on the piano. Ben likes to mimic Max and enjoys manipulating adults and anyone else who has no idea how quietly brilliant he is. Both of them would love your full and complete attention. Really, stop reading silly blogs and join the fan club now. Ok? Ok.

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