Sitting in a la la. Waiting for my ya ya. Uhunh.
I’ve got a package to mail to client a. I’ve got a package to hand-deliver to client b. I’ve got 2 more NASCARs to paint (and decal, and mount) for client c. And if for some reason I’m not painting for client c I really should be prepping client d’s job or painting the OTHER stuff (not what I need to deliver today) that belongs to client b. But I can’t paint that stuff until I have client b’s original body in front of me. Which is ludicrous because of the 264 bodies I’ve painted, I’ve taken photos of 262, and the missing 2 both belong to client b. I hope to pick the original bodies up from him when I hand deliver the above-mentioned package. Which I can’t do. Because I’m sitting in a la la and waiting for my ya ya and typing on my lap’ya to pass the time’la and trying to keep from obsess’ya about the above’la.
Mr. Mouseyface Report I personally have yet to hear from any of Mr. Mouseyface’s cousins, though Dr. J’s reminder about Hanta virus has me feeling less humane about the Mouseyface family. And his un-told story about cats with sticky traps on their paws has me both giggly and curious. How did you get them off? Were you laughing or crying?
Illicit Scooter Behavior Beth I’m afraid that Al Ludington has only ever seen “Naked Stunt Sunday” on video. And due to him valuing his cushy contract position with American Honda h has not participated in or in any way been associated with any of our two-wheeled shenanigans. Indeed, he probably wouldn’t know me from Adam unless you said the words “Naked Stunt Sunday”. And you know, Adam was naked too so there’s all the more reason for confusion. If we should be inspired, however, to create anymore artistic films like NSS – I know who owns Ben Bostrom’s custom tribal-painted pit scooter!
Today’s Daily Muppet Thing of The Day for Thursday is a true gem for collectors of Muppet Things and muppet trivia. Where else can you go, and find a video clip of one-eyed muppets, speaking (I believe) German, drinking beer, signing Whitney Houston and watching football on the telly? Indeed. Where. Else. Can. You. Go? I have no idea where or how I found this, but I’m glad I kept it.. . .
And I bet it’s going to get EVEN BETTER! Because, Twinkle, don’t you and/or your sister speak German? PLEASE tell us what the heck they’re saying and whether or not there is any explanation as to what kind of TV show they are on. And why. And did someone think that giving them only one eye would avoid copyright violation litigation?
Muppet Trivia: Did you know that Ernie & Bert were modeled after an orange and a bananna?
i'm afraid you'll have to ask poppins to translate that. all i caught was something about "why aren't you sleeping? because of the music!" and that's pretty obvious...
good luck with all the waiting for lalas and yayas...
muppet matrix
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