Going Home for Vacation
I've been selling my RC racing stuff lately, figuring I'll step away from the hobby for the time being while still operating within the industry as a custom painter. The plan is for more of Lux Graphics' proceeds to go towards bills & debt reduction, and also it gives me about a day and a half more of Family Time every week. It's strange, given that I'm in the house all day, to say that I need more Family Time. But it's hard to separate work from family, so family time is never REALLY family time it's only at best a relative break from the work time. Since, when you work for yourself, it's ALWAYS work time.
For me, it feels like a vacation. My personal passion, spark of life and driving force have always been motorcycling. When we moved to LA I replaced that with the less expensive but equally consuming RC racing hobby and I never did turn down the intensity of my commitment. So it's been, unquestioningly, what I DO at least one day every weekend and for most of a day every week preparing for the races. New leaves are turning, there's wind under our wings and it's raining cheezy metaphores here so I feel free to close that chapter for now. As I always knew motorcycles wouldn't leave my life completely (I must say the itch is back . . ), perhaps I will come back to this, and I will continue to paint so I shouldn't miss my friends too much. But for now, it feels like a vacation every Saturday and I want to go do something very family-flavored on those days. And it also feels like a large monthly bill that just disappeared, so I can add to the mass of our debt snowball with a much more expeditious rate of contributiontude.
And AK told me today that with every bit of RC stuff I sell on Ebay, she feels me coming home. Now I should qualify that, if you've been reading here for the last 2-3 years you know I've been coming home for a long time. But still the journey tends to plod on, I lose track of my progress, and it's nice to be reminded a) I am on a path and b) it's popularly considered to be the right path for this woman's husband and these boys' father.
Today's Daily Muppet Thing of The Day for Saturday is only slightly Muppetacious but it's in the spirit of our Muppet explorations. Muppets are the new Naked Mole Rat, you know. So we've seen the original, we've seen the Sandra Bullock revival, and now. . . .

Pupp Daddy Dog spends his days working as an entrepeneur and as a Dad. He is passionately in love with/obsessively neurotic about his family. Imagine Kicking Bird mixed with Albert Brooks. Oh, and throw in some Notorious B.I.G.

Alaska is the frustrated but caring cat at the center of our canine universe. All of us alternately worship, rely on and ceaselessly whine to her. Her need to control everything is confounded by the fact that she really pretty much does control everything, so in her few free moments, she knits and searches desperately for things to fuss about.

Max is smart and handsome, with a big heart. He is not only growing like a weed, but he has the attention span and concentration abilities of a weed. Despite my best efforts, AK keeps feeding him and he keeps growing. Our plan is to keep him so busy with school, sports & the arts that he won't notice he's a teenager and is supposed to hate us. T minus 2.5 years to teen launch, so far so good.

Ben and Milo are phenomenal little creatures who remind us minute-by-minute not only how little control we have in this world, but why we should cease our controlling efforts and just laugh at all of God's jokes. Lately, Milo likes to dance and is good on the piano. Ben likes to mimic Max and enjoys manipulating adults and anyone else who has no idea how quietly brilliant he is. Both of them would love your full and complete attention. Really, stop reading silly blogs and join the fan club now. Ok? Ok.

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